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Avocados Are For Rich People

Gearing up to perform with my hilarious friend, Bligh Voth, for her live podcast at The Duplex in New York City!!! Can't wait!

Bligh Voth is the author of the popular blog ‘Avocados Are For Rich People’ and the star of a new podcast of the same name. The blog was born out of a time in 2012 filled with unnecessary, dramatic victimization and a penchant for boxed wine. Since then, the blog became a thing that people were reading...seriously. Someone in Morocco is reading it. Luxury. Her blog-baby is now being turned into a podcast and so she thought, "Why not do a live show recording? Like 'Prairie Home Companion' but with more swearing, and musical numbers from a lot of my dearest, most talented theatre singer/actor friends who love me, even though I'm perpetually running late to the plans we make?" So, we are doing a live-show. With Broadway performers. And box wine. Because it's important to grow, but keep the things you love most about yourself the same. Tickets are $10 online or $15 at the door. Two Drink Minimum.

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